My original idea was an
information clip about what's in the world the link:
My other idea was a documentary
on how xbox360 started and how far It has come from the first Xbox to current
Xbox to the future Xbox.
The concept is that I talk about
how the first Xbox came around in November 15, 2001 to the current Xbox 360
which came out in November 22, I will talk about the future of Xbox with
the Xbox 720 coming out in a year’s time.
Then I thought an enough idea to
another thing called 'how it should have ended'.
The concept of how it should have
ended is that you take a game, film or book and you change the ending by
modifying the plot to be something different to the actual ending and sometimes
what should have happened didn't happen at all because the ending was
For the link to watch people who
do these animations:
When I consider my audience they
will mostly people aged like such from 10 to 20 years old, these people are
people who like gaming for fun.
Ideas and intentions:
When I come to ideas and intentions, with my
documentary I will talk about how Microsoft came up with the Xbox franchise and
where it is going in the present day and to the future of Xbox 720.
Health and Safety and risk assessments’:
My risk assessment is that the risks that I
could face when doing my documentary the risks are:
Tripping over wires.
Unexpected failure of video
equipment.(video recorder)
My crew:
For my crew I will only need one person and
they will control the video camera and they will only press the start and stop
but on the video camera.