Friday, 17 May 2013

E Stings Previous Entry’s Review

E STINGS 2011 – CreativeReviewTV

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Unrealistic storyline


Esting’s Runner Up 2009: The E4 Machine by Gareth Sayers

Views: 6,162

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E4 E-sting - The Professor – brothermcleod

Views: 1,969


Likes: 14

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Unrealistic storyline


E4 E Sting! 2009 – ThePropJoe

Views: 3,296

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Unrealistic storyline

E4 E-Stings Ident "Triangulam" – Danny Scott

Views: 535

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Likes: 4

Dislikes: 2

Unrealistic storyline


Blurb and summary of a film

The Shaw shank redemption:
2 men convicted of murder, spending their time in the Shaw shank prison.
Andy Dufresne committed of killing his wife and her lover, sentenced with two life sentences, meets Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding, who was also committed for murder and sentenced to 40 years of prison with also a prison entrepreneur. Two men, Andy Dufresne and Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding bonded over time in the Shaw shank prison. They become the best of friends and overcome hardship, with eventually finding redemption through acts of common decency.

Esting ideas

Types of animation:
3D animation
2D animation
Stop start animation
Flip book animation
Idea 1:
A parody of have i got news for you with Esting's coming out of everywhere in the opening screen of the programme
Idea 2:
dota 2, a dota 2 character attacking the e4 logo using stop start animation.
Idea 3:
Playing against the e4 logo, at a game of cards
Idea 4:
       Have a gun shooting at e4 logo and putting holes into it, with at the end killing it.
       You are first person to the gun ( a realistic gun ) and facing the e4 logo shooting at it  

Friday, 3 May 2013

Easting’s Questionnaire

Easting’s Questionnaire


Do you know what an ‘E sting’ is?



Have you ever seen an ‘E sting’?



Do you where an E stings is shown?



Do you like E stings?



What would you like to see on a E sting?






  1. Cut carefully around the stencil.
  2. Fold the the dotted line in the centre, and glue the two sides together.
  3. Punch a hole through the two dots on each side of the circle.
  4. Than secure a loop of a elastic band through each hole. It should be short enough so that you can easily hold the device.
  5. Hold the elastic in each hand and "wind" the thaumatrope by flipping the disc. Once the loops are good and twisted, gently pull them, and the disc will spin.