Friday, 29 June 2012

strengths and weaknesses on the aviva project

 The strengths and the weaknesses on the aviva project with myself as a person and the group as a whole was that it went well in my opinion we had a few bumps in the road to get over but in my opinion it went very well for what we did.
As a person in the group  my strengths would be that I got every thing done in the time given and that whatever was needed to be done I got done and I made sure I done it on time.another strengths that I had was that i made sure that every one was on the same wavelength and new what they were doing and that we where doing the same thing and making sure that everything was getting done and was being shared out between each of the groups.
My weaknesses would be that the communication because being communicated all the time is quite hard and sharing information between the three groups was sometimes hard but was always solved and moved on.

The strengths and weaknesses of the group.
The strengths of our group was mainly the idea about about our advert we had a clear concept for our advert and new what to do and get it done.other strengths are that how we worked together through out the project.
the only weakness in the group would be the communication between the three groups because sometimes we didn't always talk to each other but that is the only weakness we had in the group.

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