Friday, 14 December 2012

Video gaming

Controversies surrounding video games:

Controversies surrounding Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

In November 10, 2009 call of duty: modern warfare 2 came out. Originally it was supposed to PEGI 15 but one chapter in the game called "No Russian" you enter a Russian airport with Vladimir Makarov and three others and gun down the entre airport containing civilians and airport guards and Vladimir Makarov says that you cannot speak Russian.

In result the game was changed from PEGI 15 to a PEGI 18 and world-wide Controversy arose.

Russia's reaction:

This controversial mission was removed from the Russian PC version of the game. It was originally reported that sales of the console editions of Modern Warfare 2 were delayed in Russia due to an ordered recall, but Activision has called this report false. Activision stated that they made the decision to remove the "No Russian" mission from the game prior to the game's release as they did with the Russian PC version which was released before the console versions. The decision to remove the mission was made after consulting with local counsel since Russia has no formal ratings board. The only other body who has the authority to pass ratings on video games in the Russian Federation is the Television and Film Classification Board (CRRS), who refused to comment on the controversy.

Different types of PEGI's

Appropriate for children from a certain age of 7 year's old

The content of games given this rating is considered suitable for all age groups. Some violence in a comical context (typically Bugs Bunny or Tom & Jerry cartoon-like forms of violence) is acceptable. The child should not be able to associate the character on the screen with real life characters, they should be totally fantasy. The game should not contain any sounds or pictures that are likely to scare or frighten young children. No bad language should be heard.



Appropriate for children from a certain age of 12 year's old

Videogames that show violence of a slightly more graphic nature towards fantasy character and/or non-graphic violence towards human-looking characters or recognisable animals, as Well as videogames that show nudity of a slightly more graphic nature would fall in this age category. Any bad language in this category must be mild and fall short of sexual expletives.


Appropriate for children from a certain age of 16 year's old



This rating is applied once the depiction of violence (or sexual activity) reaches a stage that looks the same as would be expected in real life. More extreme bad language, the concept of the use of tobacco and drugs and the depiction of criminal activities can be content of games that are rated 16.



Appropriate for children from a certain age of 18 year's old


The adult classification is applied when the level of violence reaches a stage where it becomes a depiction of gross violence and/or includes elements of specific types of violence. Gross violence is the most difficult to define since it can be very subjective in many cases, but in general terms it can be classed as the depictions of violence that would make the viewer feel a sense of revulsion.


I agree/disagree with gaming classification because…

I both agree and disagree with gaming classification.

 A video game content rating system is a system used for the classification of video games into suitability-related groups. Most of these systems are associated with and/or sponsored by a government, and are sometimes part of the local motion picture rating system. The utility of such ratings has been called into question by studies that publish findings such as 90% of teenagers claim that their parents "never" check the ratings before allowing them to rent or buy video games, and as such calls have been made to "fix" the existing rating systems. Video game content rating systems can be used as the basis for laws that cover the sales of video games to minors.

The reason why is that, having a guideline that video gaming can use to made their games is good so they know what they can and not do. This can also be used to target a particular audience and what they can put in the game which is in the guidelines of that PEGI.

 But I also be a bad thing because a game developer wants to put something into a game but they have been told to stay in a particular PEGI rating so they can’t put that thing in because it breaks the rules of the PEGI system  and it doesn’t make the video  game as good as it can be.

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